It is hard to believe that my little boy is now a three-year-old. An underoo-wearing, Lightening-McQueen-loving, pony-island-playing big boy. I can't begin to tell you how much fun I had working on this video because it means I took the time to go back and look at the past two videos as well. What a gift to see our sweet and snuggly newborn transform into this independent, loving and passionate little boy. Looking back, I realize that even when I felt life was a bit too chaotic, we must have still been doing something right... because the evidence is there in that joyful and impish twinkle.
Gabriel, you will never know how much joy you have added to our past three years. And that says something because there were moments that I felt like we were doing all we could to just survive the twos. Look at you now, sweet boy. I really felt like when you entered the world, we became solidified as a family. Knowing that Molly has you as her always and forever brother resonates peace through every bone in my body. In your lifetime, you will always have love.
Built like a square (literally!), you are a dynamic burst of energy that always keeps us guessing. You have no concept of "not big enough yet" and I know that this will be further put to the test this year. You are fearless in motion yet calming when still. You are my Italian speaking, little bear squishing, food-all-over-your-face-while-you-kiss-me kind of love. You are such a light in my life. I just love you so much!
Happy 3rd Birthday, Gabriel! What a year we have had...
(*pause music on side!)
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